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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Appulous/Installous Troll Bridge ANSWERS

Appulous/Installous, the world renowned pirated apps site has introduced a new feature "The Troll Bridge." Looking for answers? Here it is.....

  • Who am I? - Kyek 
  • Who was the cracker most credited with discovering the cracking method? – lsemtex 
  • Who was the admin of HakStore? – Labrat 
  • What is the name of Appulous' caching algorithm? – Recache 
  • Three people were responsible for posting a huge number of apps to Appulous before it was ever opened to the public. These people are most_uniQue, bugmenotaasdf, and who else? – Sonic 
  • This developer was the first to program a library for pulling all of the screenshots for an app out – Doosje 
  • What was the name of the short lived app on the repo made to refresh your springboard cache? - Rebuild 
  • TDDebug made what it is today. Who runs it now? - Pondeuce 
  • I work for apple's law firm and have been tryingto get appulous shut down since the beginning. I wish i was better at my job. What is my first and last name? - Ian Ramage 
  • The Appulous test servers, on which new backedn code and server configs are tested semi-publicly before moving to production, are provided by what company? - Amazon 
  • Who leaked the original Crackulous source code? - Cdecl 
  • Who did Labrat attempt to con into writing a private Appulous clone for his website? (It wasn't Hover Dam.) - AndyDam 
  • Who was the first person to start mass-cracking "self-aware" apps? - Panik 
  • Who wrote the code that powered - wyze 
  • was a two-man team Wyze and …….? - Scuzzy19 
  • I have two Hackulous accounts: My main one, and one I made just for fun. Which is the latter? - thepoet 
  • Before Genius' Hackulous tag said "Root Admin", what did it say? (Might have been even more fitting if he pulled a reverse Sosa.) (The background had 3 colors in it. It was all wavy-like.) (And astrally striped.) (Statistically, 20% of you see this background before 8am nearly every day.) (Ok seriously, if you know what the background is and you can't think of a title of authority that might go on top of that -- even without the reverse Sosa clue -- you need to re-enroll in kindergarten and start your life over. Because whoa, you took a wrong turn somewhere.) - President 
  • You ssh into your phone and need to make a symlink from "cow" to "chicken". Type the command. - ln -s cow chicken 
  • B00sted4fun's Russion repo was hosted by what company? - Dreamhost 
  • My name used to be Omgwtf. Who am I now? - SaladFork 
  • This site made a bad knockoff of Appulous to try to get hits, but ended up getting DDoSed until they took it down. It's - Imodzone 
  • I posted a job on rent-a-coder for someone to make an Appulous knockoff for my site. Kyek accepted the job under another name and pwned me :(. But we're cool now. Who am I? - pr0x 
  • What German publication ran a two-page feature on Appulous in September? (It looks like a typo... but it's not!) - pc magazin 
  • They need to do way _________ mother. - instain 
  • You're connected to our IRC server. To join our room, what would you type? - /join #chatulous 
  • You ssh to your phone and decide to rename "Documents" to "Other crap". Type the command to do it, without using quotes. - mv Documents Other\ crap 
  • Kyek modified a Greasemonkey plugin to allow you to see if an Appulous IPA link was dead before you clicked it. The original plugin was the ________ Links Checker. - Cavern
  • Future new question - answer
Will update again soon...


  1. This site made a bad knockoff of Appulous to try to get hits, but ended up getting DDoSed until they took it down. It's

  2. theres a new Question!!

  3. Answer is pr0x. Enjoy!

  4. yeah its pr0x. thanks whoever u are

  5. new question need help

  6. it wont let me in. "PC Magazin" wont work

  7. They need to do way ________ mother WHATS THE ANSWER

  8. You're connected to our IRC server. To join our room, what would you type? Answer

  9. thats not it...or atleast its not working for me...

  10. You're connected to our IRC server. To join our room, what would you type?
    Answer: /join #chatulous

  11. /join #chatulous is not working for me....please help

  12. /join #chatulous works.... thanks

  13. I have verified with other users and it works.

  14. You ssh to your phone and decide to rename " Documents" to "Other Crap".
    Type the command to do it, without using quotes.
    What's the answer????

  15. Answer posted. Sorry for the delay

  16. You're awesome for doing this! Thanks!!

  17. mv Documents Other\ crap not working...

  18. Kyek modified a Greasemonkey plugin to allow you to see if an Appulous IPA link was dead before you clicked it. The original plugin was the ________ Links Checker. answer? pls

  19. Kyek modified a Greasemonkey plugin to allow you to see if and Appulos IPA link was dead before you clicked it. The orginal plugin was the ______ Links Checker. : Answer ?

  20. Latest answer posted. Please let me know if it is not working. I've check with 3 other PC and 2 iPhones and it is working

  21. server is slow again - don't post answers in clear

    hidden updated list here

  22. Kyek modified a Greasemonkey plugin to allow you to see if an Appulous IPA link was dead before you clicked it. The original plugin was the ________ Links Checker.

    Answers pls ?

  23. theres a question kyek modified a greasemonkey plugin to allow you to see if any Appulous IPA link was dead before you clicked it. the original ____________ Links Checker. whats the answer plz????

  24. they are asking: the original plugin was the ____ links checker.

    any1 know the answer??

  25. cavern it's not working for me ...

  26. theres a question kyek modified a greasemonkey plugin to allow you to see if any Appulous IPA link was dead before you clicked it. the original ____________ Links Checker. whats the answer plz????

  27. Cavern is the answer and its working

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